The Omega Program
Helping you navigate your personal pathway towards embodied, harmonious Being.
Omega: Your Ultimate Pathway
Dasein Health’s Omega Program is the pinnacle of our offerings:
Comprehensive Guided Transformation over 3, 6, or a full 12 months.
Everything that Dasein offers, and all of our team’s expertise:
targeted, personalized, and optimized for you - with accountability, and full personal evolution guaranteed.
- Weekly physical, posture, performance and recalibration sessions
dovetailed and integrated with
- Weekly coaching on building relational intelligence, emotional resilience, and fostering a truly harmonious, soul-level connection to purpose and meaning
Book your assessment.
Omega is not for everyone. It is a commitment: of time, money, and of yourself. And - most importantly - it is a choice to invest your progress and evolution in us.
For this reason, Omega is only available to those who have had an Initial Consultation and are ready to fully immerse themselves in Dasein’s care.
Ready to take the first step?